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Single-Tank / Mobile Monitor

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9234 Mobile Monitor – Cellular Remote Tank Level Monitor

LEVEL DEVIL by SensorTech

The 9234 Mobile Monitor™ is a compact and cost-effective Remote Transmit Unit (RTU) with an integrated fluid tank pressure sensor. It reports tank liquid levels to the Internet via cellular telecom for remote viewing through a secure portal or direct relay to your computer, tablet, or phone. Ideal for mobile tanks, it features a long-life battery and an optional GPS sensor for reporting the tank’s physical location. It’s also housed in a compact UV-protected PVC case and can fit in locations where other RTUs cannot. The 9234 is compatible with various tank monitoring sensors for fluids like oils, lubricants, diesel fuel, industrial and agricultural chemicals, cryogenic tanks, and water.

Download specifications here.

Sensor Tech's product called Mobile Monitor. Level Devil Logo

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